BADM 320: Principles of Marketing Spring 2021 Syllabus
BADM 320: Principles of Marketing
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Spring 2021
Class Location: online Instructor: Dr. Mark Wolters
Email: for questions about the class, for the instructor directly, use Twitter: @woltersworld
Instagram: @woltersworld or @professorwolters
Facebook: YouTube:
Website: select the “Principles of Marketing” tab
Mailbox: 330E Wohlers Hall Professor’s Office: 13 Wohlers Hall or via Zoom
Office Hours: Prof. Wolters will have virtual office hours during the fall semester. There will be a scheduled live Q&A each week with the date and time announced in the Sunday email announcement. You can always email the professor for specific questions. They will be collected and answered in the weekly Q&A with your name withheld for privacy. Also, if we do have live online sessions students can always ask questions during the live sessions.
Course Website and Social Media Sites: select the Principles of Marketing link to access each topic and set of videos. location of summary videos for class topic videos & live Q&A sessions. you can communicate with the professor via twitter by writing to @woltersworld
The course has a Compass 2G page for quizzes, exams, grades, and announcements posting. You will receive an email announcement each Sunday with what is expected for that week, the videos to watch, the quiz topic, and any other class announcements such as office hours or live sessions.
Lecture Times: The live lectures will be held at 8am in order to keep with the course and student availability.
Email for BADM 320 Questions: use this email to send your class questions. Each weekly live office hours we will answer questions anonymously. Also, if it is a quick answer either the professor or one of the graders will answer your question.
If you have questions about your grade you should contact Dr. Wolters. If it is the end of the semester and you are hoping to get a higher grade, there are extra credit assignments that you can do during the semester to raise your grade 3%. So, the class offers an easy way to boost your grade already.
Objectives of the Course: The idea behind this course is to give students a solid base of marketing knowledge so no matter what area of business their careers take them, whether accountancy, finance, management, supply chain, marketing, advertising, non-profits, they have a firm understanding of the principles of marketing. Some of the definite objectives of the course are:
- Define the role of marketing in a firm and how it can add value to a firm,
- Give students a brief overview of the main areas of marketing so they will not be lost when discussing marketing among other executives,
- Open students’ eyes to the tricks of the trade of marketing so that they can become better informed consumers.
- Develop an understanding of the processes that companies go through to develop: marketing strategies, new products, pricing models, promotion & advertising strategies.
- Give students a feel for the developing fields of online and social media marketing,
- Give students of all disciplines a firm base of marketing knowledge that they can use in their future business careers.
Overview of the Course: the online nature of the course means that students will need to determine the best time to watch the course videos and complete all course assignments. The weekly Sunday evening emails will give you the topic for the week as well as the quiz topic. All quizzes are due by 12pm, that is NOON on the Friday of the week they are assigned.
Course Materials:
Required: BADM 320: Principles of Marketing Spring 2021. Mark Wolters. Stipes Publishing 2021. As the class has moved online I have made an e-text version of the textbook to allow students to access the text at any time. Additionally, the Spring 2021 edition has extra practice exams in the book.
Required: Compass 2G login, information, announcements, and videos will be presented there.
- Announcements will be posted in Compass in your announcement feed, please note any announcements as this is where any relevant notes or announcements will be placed.
- If class changes or exam information is shared on Compass Announcements it is required for students to know. The professor will not accept “I didn’t see the announcement” as an excuse.
- All quizzes, exams, and conflict exams will be made available on the HOMEPAGE of the BADM 320 Principles of Marketing compass page. This may be different than your other classes. Please look at the homepage first for quizzes and tests, then if you do not see them there look in the learning modules on compass.
Performance Evaluations:
Exams: There are three exams and one final. The top three exam/final scores will be used to calculate your exam grades, if you are satisfied with your grades after the first three exams, you do not have to take the final. It is only for those who wish to improve their grade, or they are using the final as a make up / conflict exam for missing one of the first three exams. This means the FINAL IS OPTIONAL if you have taken the first three exams.
Exam 1: 250 points – online exam with 50 multiple choice questions. Date: Tuesday February 23rd from 8am to 11am, students will have 80 minutes to complete the exam once they open the link. Exam one covers topics 1, 2, 3, & 4.
Conflict Exam 1: the essay conflict exam will be held on Thursday February 25th from 8am to 11am, students will have 80 minutes to complete the essay conflict exam once they open the link. Exam 1 conflict covers topic 1, 2, 3, & 4. The exam will consist of five essay questions. This exam is worth 250 points. I will not grade the conflict exam if the student has already taken the first multiple choice exam. You do not need to give me a reason why you are taking the conflict.
Exam 2: 250 points – online exam with 50 multiple choice questions. Date: Thursday March 25th from 8am to 11am, students will have 80 minutes to complete the exam once they open the link. Exam two covers topics, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10.
Conflict Exam 2: the essay conflict exam will be held on Tuesday March 30th from 8am to 11am, students will have 80 minutes to complete the essay conflict exam once they open the link. Exam 2 conflict covers topic 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10. The exam will consist of five essay questions. This exam is worth 250 points. I will not grade the conflict exam if the student has already taken the first multiple choice exam. You do not need to give me a reason why you are taking the conflict.
Exam 3: 250 points – online exam with 50 multiple choice questions. Date: Thursday April 29th from 8am to 11am, students will have 80 minutes to complete the exam once they open the link. Exam three covers topics 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15.
Conflict Exam 3: the essay conflict exam will be held on Tuesday May 4th from 8am to 11am, students will have 80 minutes to complete the essay conflict exam once they open the link. Exam 3 conflict covers topic 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15. The exam will consist of five essay questions. This exam is worth 250 points. I will not grade the conflict exam if the student has already taken the first multiple choice exam. You do not need to give me a reason why you are taking the conflict.
Final (optional): 250 points – online exam with 50 multiple choice questions. Date: Date & time to be determined and will be announced to students during the semester. It will follow the same format as the previous three exams. Students will have 80 minutes to complete the exam once they open the link. The final exam will cover material from the entire semester, topics 1-15.
Final exam conflict: The final exam conflict will be an essay exam covering topics 1-15. Students will have 80 minutes to complete the essay conflict final exam once they open the link. The exam will consist of five essay questions, covering materials from topics 1-15. This exam is worth 250 points. I will not grade the conflict exam if the student has already taken the first multiple choice exam. You do not need to give me a reason why you are taking the conflict.
Syllabus Quiz: 50 points – online quiz covering important materials from the syllabus. Students will have until noon on February 11th to complete the quiz. The results will be shared after the noon cut off. The syllabus quiz will be available from the first week of class until February 11th. All students will need to complete it on their own at any time until the due date.
Weekly Quizzes: 200 points, or 25 points for each quiz (8 x 25 =200 points). There will be 10 weekly quizzes due by noon on Friday for the majority of the weeks of class, see class schedule. Students are allowed to drop their two lowest quiz scores. Therefore, there are no make-up quizzes for missed quizzes regardless of the reason for the missed quizzes. The quizzes will be available from Monday morning through Friday at noon Champaign time. The quizzes will be a combination of multiple-choice, select the answer, and true false.
Grading Scale: Please note the cut offs, the grades are based on 1000 total points possible for the class, not counting possible extra credit that could take you over 1000 points.
A+ (964.5-1000) A (924.5-964.4) A- (894.5-924.4)
B+ (864.5-894.4) B (824.5-864.4) B- (794.5-824.4)
C+ (764.5-794.4) C (724.5-764.4) C+ (694.5-724.4)
D+ (664.5-694.4) D (624.5-664.4) D- (594.5-624.4) F (594.4 and Below)
Students should review their grades on Compass to insure that there were no data entry errors when entering your grades. If you note a discrepancy please write about the issue. Note your full name, student number, the grade in question, and relevant information for the discrepancy.
Extra Credit Options: 3% or 30 points Maximum – choose one of two options
Write a strategic marketing plan (Max 3% or 30 points depending on quality of work done) for a non-profit or not-for-profit group based in the Champaign-Urbana area or in your home community (think save the planet, help the community, make the world a better place organizations). Your job is to help out organizations that depend greatly on volunteers. You should help them determine their main marketing problems and issues and analyze their market and industry using the tools we learn in class. You should then give them recommendations on how they could improve their marketing and fundraising positions. The non-profit strategic marketing plan extra credit must be turned in to Prof. Wolters (hard copy) as well as emailed to the organizations contact person and cc’d at the same time to Prof. Wolters by Friday April 16th by noon central standard time.
Please use the following strategic marketing tools, SWOT Analysis, develop six Key Success Factors for their industry with recommendations for the firm to achieve them, Ansoff Matrix for growth recommendations and analyze their social media with recommendations. The extra credit project should be 8-12 pages long, 1.5 line spacing, 1-inch margins, times new roman font. The cover page and appendices do not count toward the 8-12 pages. Email with your project as well as to the organization you are helping. If you are wanting to do a James Scholar or Honors Project, this is the project I assign for those honors projects.
Participate in up to six (6) SONA Experiments throughout the semester. A link will be sent via Compass Announcements a few weeks into the semester. Sign up for studies as soon as you see them as there may not be enough studies for all students to get all six experiments. Each experiment that you complete will earn you 0.5% or 5 points added onto your FINAL grade. I will only accept six for extra credit. If you are in another class that also is giving extra credit via SONA experiments you will need to assign your points for each extra credit experiment before reading day at the end of the semester. You can assign points to different classes until reading day. The extra credit points will be assigned after reading day to your Compass grade sheet, not before as the instructor only receives the total experiment list after reading day. Please note if you skip two experiments you sign up for you will need to petition to be allowed to take further experiments. If you have any questions about the SONA experiments you need to contact the SONA experiment coordinator, as the professor does not have access to the SONA experiments.
There is a maximum of 3% extra credit available (30 points maximum), so you will not receive extra extra credit if you do both the SONA experiments and the save the world project.
Class Schedule: (Subject to Change if deemed necessary by instructor)
BADM 320 Dates Spring 2021 & Topics | Assignments Due | ||
25-Jan | Monday | UIUC starts | |
26-Jan | Tuesday | 1st day BADM 320 Syllabus | LIVE CLASS 8AM |
28-Jan | Thursday | T1 Intro to Marketing | |
29-Jan | Friday | ||
2-Feb | Tuesday | T2 Strategic Marketing | |
4-Feb | Thursday | T2 Strategic Marketing | |
5-Feb | Friday | Quiz 1 – Topics 1 & 2 | Quiz 1 due by noon |
9-Feb | Tuesday | T3 Marketing Environment | |
11-Feb | Thursday | T3 Marketing Environment | Syllabus quiz due by noon |
12-Feb | Friday | Quiz 2 – Topic 3 | Quiz 2 due by noon |
16-Feb | Tuesday | T4 Digital Marketing | |
17-Feb | Wednesday | NO UIUC – FREE DAY | Try to stay warm |
18-Feb | Thursday | Exam Review | LIVE EXAM REVIEW 8AM |
19-Feb | Friday | Quiz 3 – Topic 4 | Quiz 3 due by noon |
23-Feb | Tuesday | Exam Day | Exam 1 8am to 11am LIVE 8AM |
25-Feb | Thursday | T5 Consumer Behavior | Exam 1 Conflict 8am to 11am |
26-Feb | Friday | Quiz 4 – Topic 5 | Quiz 4 due by noon |
2-Mar | Tuesday | T6 B2B Marketing | |
4-Mar | Thursday | T7 Global Marketing | |
5-Mar | Friday | Quiz 5 – Topic 6 & 7 | Quiz 5 due by noon |
9-Mar | Tuesday | T8 Segmentation | |
11-Mar | Thursday | T9 Marketing Research | |
12-Mar | Friday | Quiz 6 – Topics 8 & 9 | Quiz 6 due by noon |
16-Mar | Tuesday | T10 Branding | |
18-Mar | Thursday | T10 Branding | |
19-Mar | Friday | Quiz 7 – Topic 10 | Quiz 7 due by noon |
23-Mar | Tuesday | Exam Review | |
24-Mar | Wednesday | NO UIUC – FREE DAY | Have some Mac & Cheese |
25-Mar | Thursday | Exam Day | Exam 2 8am to 11am LIVE 8AM |
26-Mar | Friday | ||
30-Mar | Tuesday | T11 New Product Development | Exam 2 Conflict 8am to 11am |
1-Apr | Thursday | T12 Service Marketing | |
2-Apr | Friday | Quiz 8 – Topics 11 & 12 | Quiz 8 due by noon |
6-Apr | Tuesday | T13 Pricing | |
8-Apr | Thursday | T13 Pricing | |
9-Apr | Friday | Quiz 9 – Topic 13 | Quiz 9 due by noon |
13-Apr | Tuesday | NO UIUC – FREE DAY | Eat some Ice-Cream for me |
15-Apr | Thursday | T14 Supply Chain | |
16-Apr | Friday | No Quiz this week | Save the world extra credit due |
20-Apr | Tuesday | T15 Advertising | |
22-Apr | Thursday | T15 Advertising | |
23-Apr | Friday | Quiz 10 – Topic 15 | Quiz 10 due by noon |
27-Apr | Tuesday | Exam Review | |
29-Apr | Thursday | Exam Day | Exam 3 8am to 11am LIVE 8AM |
30-Apr | Friday | ||
4-May | Tuesday | Conflict Exam Only | Exam 3 Conflict 8am to 11am |
TBA | TBA | Final Exam | |
TBA | TBA | Final Exam Conflict |
Course Policies: The Instructor has the right to change the syllabus as seen fit to accommodate topics, classes, etc.
Grade Notification: Due to FERPA the Professor is not able to email you or respond by phone to your requests for your current grade standings. If you would like to know where your grade stands on any specific day please contact the professor ( about your desire to know your grade and then we can discuss how best to review your grade with social distancing.
Common Courtesy Policy: Students are expected to show respect towards the other students, faculty and guest speakers in the course. These courtesies include respecting others’ opinions, giving full attention to presenters, acting in a professional manner with respect to external contacts, other students and faculty, also speaking in a low voice if speaking to others in class. If you are a disruption you will be asked to leave and your grade will be marked down 5% of the final grade for each dismissal. Refusal to leave or submit your name will lead to a further 10% decrease of your final grade. Additionally, if you are found to be harassing other students, teaching assistants or the professor, your case will be handed directly over to Dean Dahl. We have had some serious issues in the past and therefore we have a zero-tolerance policy on threats, bullying and harassment.
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty: Please do your own work. If it is found out that you copied, plagiarized, paid someone to do the work for you, used works from previous semesters you will receive a zero (0) on that assignment/exam. Also, if the act is severe further university action may be taken. This is further detailed in the Student Code. (Though I expect nothing but the best from all of you).
Special Accommodations: If you have any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as outlined above please, notify myself, Mark Wolters during the first week of the course and I will do my best to accommodate you. Requests for special accommodations will require documentation from the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES). If you are hearing impaired please let the professor know if you would like a summary text of the YouTube videos relating to course materials.
Enrollment in the Course: I do not have any control over enrollment in this course. If you need information on registering for the course please visit the Business Administration office in 350 Wohlers Hall.
Copyright Protection: The materials presented in class are copyrighted and are not allowed to be photographed, recorded, or any other form of reproduction in order to be sold or re-distributed. If this is found the person/institution that did such selling/re-distribution will be held legally accountable.
Exam Policies:
Exam Questions: The questions on the exam will come from the chapters indicated by the professor. The first three exams are not cumulative; they will only focus on the material covered in the term between exams. The chapters listed in the schedule are a tentative list of what chapters will be covered in each exam, the professor reserves the right to change the chapters covered in the exam if time does not allow for certain materials to be covered. The exams will be multiple choice and taken on compass. I will announce the number of questions on the exam in the class preceding the exam (approximately 50 multiple choice questions are typical).
Exam Preparation: What should I study Professor? Please do not ask me this, I will tell you, “Why Everything Student O’Mine.” So, my recommendations are to read the class notes, watch the summary videos found in the study guides on the Wolters World website, read the cases and chapters and get a good night’s sleep before the exam (and have a healthy breakfast too, and call your parents without asking for money. They will appreciate it and send you money anyway, maybe).
Exam Day Etiquette: as the exams will be online you will be given a three-hour window between 8pm and 11pm to take the exam. This does not mean that you have three hours to take the exam. The exam will be available once you open the exam link for 80 minutes. Therefore, it is best to have everything ready at your station when you open the exam. If you close your computer it will not reset your timer, your timer is linked to your UIN and compass account. So, once you start you have 80 minutes regardless of technological issues, timing issues, bathroom breaks. As the exams are done through compass there is nothing I can do to give you extra time, so please make sure you are fully prepared once you click the link to the exam.
Additionally, please do not cheat on the exam or work with your colleagues on the exam at the same time. You are much smarter than your friends, and therefore do not need their help.
Once you have submitted your exam you will receive your grade after the exam time is up. If you start your exam with less than 80 minutes left in the three-hour window (8pm to 11pm) the exam will automatically close at 11pm. So, please start your exam as close to 8pm as possible to guarantee you have the entire 80 minutes to work.
Prof. Wolters will be live on twitter @woltersworld and Instagram @woltersworld as well as live on YouTube answering questions for the two hours of the exam. So, if you have any issues please feel free to reach out.
What if you miss an exam: if you miss one of the first three exams, we have the optional final exam. The final exam will work as the conflict exam for the first three exams, or you can just take one of the conflict exams a couple days later.
What if you miss a quiz: you will be fine. As we are dropping your two lowest quiz scores if you miss a quiz you can use one of your two dropped quizzes. If you have technical issues on Friday, and are unable to turn in the quiz you can use one of your two drops as well. The quizzes are available Monday morning through Friday at noon, so hopefully you will have time to fix any computer issues during the five days the quizzes are available.
Why is there so much time to do the Syllabus quiz, but only five days to do all other quizzes? The syllabus quiz is a separate graded quiz and students can take that at their leisure from the beginning of the class through the February 11th due date.
What happens if I miss the syllabus quiz February 11th due date? Well, then I hate to tell you, you will receive ZERO points for the syllabus quiz. Three weeks seems like a good enough time to answer a few questions that have all the answers on this piece of paper.
What if I catch COVID or I have other medical issues that prevents me from taking the usual exams or quizzes? As COVID can leave people in a very physically deteriorated state this is why this semester I am dropping two quizzes and allowing for the single dropped exam. This way if a student is sick they do not have to worry about studying while they are ill.
Can I use the three drops and then use an Emergency Dean note to get out of more quizzes or exams? No, you will need to use one of your two drops for the missed quiz. All of the quizzes and exams are online. Dropping a quiz will not have any negative effect on your grade.
Do I really need to watch the videos? Yes, if you want to learn the material you will need to watch the videos. The textbook has all of the slides for you to follow along with the videos. The slides are laid out so that you can follow the video topics with the slides. The slides do not appear in the videos. Life hack, you can watch the videos on double speed to cut your amount of watch time in half.
How do I talk to the instructor? You can contact Prof. Wolters via email or you can contact him via social media (if you feel comfortable doing that) with @woltersworld on twitter and Instagram. There will be weekly live office hours that you can Zoom with the professor if you need to, these will be announced in the weekly Sunday evening emails.
When do we find out our grades on the exams? After the exam time closes you should receive your exam score within an hour, the same is for the quiz grades. Your grades will show up in Compass.
Is there a curve in the class? No, there is no curve in the class. I have 3% extra credit that you can earn that can boost everyone’s grade if they take advantage of the extra credit opportunities. (see above in the syllabus).
What happens if I am kidnapped by aliens and miss 1/2 of the class and then they drop me back in Champaign and I want to start taking the class gain? I will not drop anyone from the class. You will still be able to do the rest of the exams and quizzes that are available to you. I would also talk to the emergency dean and Unsolved Mysteries as they might find your story pretty cool. This is also true if you by chance skip half of the semester for any non-alien abductions.
What if I start the exam 20 minutes before the exam time ends? Will I still have 80 minutes? No, compass will close down the exam and take all the answers you have already submitted at the closing bell. So please start your exam with plenty of time in the three-hour window.