Switching to Online Classes for BADM 320: Principles of Marketing Spring 2020
Dear BADM 320 Students,
Well, it has been quite a tumultuous time since our last meeting on Tuesday March 10th. I really hope everyone got home safe and you are all doing OK. This is our first week of online education and I wanted to make sure we were in contact with each other the best we could. So, I am laying out what we will be doing for the rest of the semester. I will break it down into different parts as I have never had to switch a class from face to face to online in one week before, so I do apologize if we have some hiccups along the way. Below is what our schedule will be each week through the end of the semester. It is really important that you read this whole email; as email and random YouTube videos are how we will be communicating a lot the rest of the semester.
Week of March 22: Exam Review Week
- This week we will have a playlist & blog of summary videos designed to prepare you for the exam on March 31st at 8am.
- Exam Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuAz-nxZVHKBmV-9yuS-mmcYcEZUK-dGr
- Exam Study Guide: https://woltersworld.com/badm-exam-2-turbo-study-guide/
- At 8am on Thursday March 26th during our usual class time I will be having an exam review session where I will go over the practice exam in the back of the book. This will be held on my Professor Wolters YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/professorwolters
- We will have an “attendance check” quiz in compass so everyone can practice taking a quiz/test on compass. You will have the whole week to do the quiz. It has to be finished by noon on Friday March 27th. It is a pass-fail quiz, if you pass you will get the “Attendance Point” for that week. I am doing these quizzes as students in about 30% of the survey said that they felt that a weekly quiz would help students stay focused instead of waiting until the exam to learn the materials. All of the quizzes will be pass/fail. Each week’s quiz will be from the materials in the videos that week.
- You will find the quiz in the “Exams & Quizzes” tab in compass on our course page.
- You will need to login with your NETID in order to take the quiz. The quiz is exactly how the test will be taken on March 31st.
- If you do not take the quiz you will get a zero for the attendance grade that week.
- The quiz for this week will show up in compass under the new “Exams & Quizzes” folder that should pop up on Monday in compass. You can do the quizzes once they open up, you do not have to wait until Friday to do them. So watch the videos and then do the quizzes.
Week of March 29: Exam Week & New Product Development (Topic 11)
- Sunday March 29th at 8pm CST (Chicago Time) I will have a review session for the 2nd exam live on my Professor Wolters YouTube channel. http://www.youtube.com/professorwolters
- March 31st at 8am CST (Chicago time) we will have our 2nd exam. The university has stated that we must use our allotted class times for exams and therefore, sadly, we will be having our exam from 8am to 10am on March 31st via compass. The exam is still 50 multiple choice questions. It is designed to take 50 minutes, therefore if anyone has DRES accommodations that need extra time I have added more than double the allotted time to take the exam. The exam is open book and open note. Please try not to cheat with your friends on this one.
- The exam will cover the topics 5-10, Consumer Behavior, B2B Marketing, Global Marketing, Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning, Marketing Research, and Branding.
- During the exam I will be online for questions live on my Professor Wolters YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/professorwolters you can also tweet @woltersworld or Direct message me on Instagram @woltersworld or you can email me.
- If you oversleep and miss the exam, you will be given an essay exam later in the week. Due to the nature of the situation we all find ourselves in I can understand if people are sick or are not used to getting up that early. So there will be no need to send in a request for the essay conflict exam. But please wake up and take the multiple choice exam on March 31st at 8am.
- The grades for the exam will be posted in your compass gradebook after the exam. Those who take the essay conflict exam it will take longer to grade those, so be prepared to wait a little bit.
- New Product Development (Topic 11) is the first topic for the third exam. There will be a playlist of videos I will send out on March 29th with a link for the quiz that will be due Friday April 3rd by noon.
Week of April 5: Service Marketing Week (Topic 12)
- On April 5th I will send out the playlist on Service Marketing for students to watch for the week.
- The Attendance Quiz over the Service Marketing videos will be due by Friday April 10th noon.
Week of April 12: Pricing & Supply Chain Management Week (Topics 13 & 14)
- On April 12th I will send out an email with the playlists for both the Pricing & Supply Chain Management topics.
- The attendance quiz for the week will be due by noon on Friday April 17th.
Week of April 19: Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communications Week (Topic 15)
- On April 19th I will be sending out the playlist for the Advertising and Integrated Marketing communication topic 15.
- The attendance quiz for that week will be due by Friday April 24th at noon.
Week of April 26: Exam Week
- On Tuesday April 28th at 8am I will be having an exam review live where I go over the third practice exam from the book. This will be held on my Professor Wolters YouTube channel. http://www.youtube.com/professorwolters
- On Tuesday April 28th at 8pm I will be having an additional exam review live where I go over the third practice exam from the book. This as well will be held on my Professor Wolters YouTube channel. http://www.youtube.com/professorwolters.
- The third exam will be held from 8am to 10am on Thursday April 30th. You will find the exam in compass in the “Exam & Quizzes” tab.
- During the exam I will be online for questions live on my Professor Wolters YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/professorwolters you can also tweet @woltersworld or Direct message me on Instagram @woltersworld or you can email me.
- If you oversleep and miss the exam, you will be given an essay exam later in the week. Due to the nature of the situation we all find ourselves in I can understand if people are sick or are not used to getting up that early. So, there will be no need to send in a request for the essay conflict exam. But please wake up and take the multiple-choice exam on April 30th at 8am.
- The grades for the exam will be posted in your compass gradebook after the exam. Those who take the essay conflict exam it will take longer to grade those, so be prepared to wait a little bit.
- You will find the exam in the “Exams & Quizzes” tab in compass on our course page.
- You will need to login with your NETID in order to take the quiz.
- The third exam covers the following topics: Topic 11: New Product Development, Topic 12: Service Marketing, Topic 13: Pricing, Topic 14: Supply Chain Management, and Topic 15: Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication.
Week of May 4: Live feed send off
- Our last day of “class” will be a live feed lecture at 8am on my Professor Wolters YouTube channel which I have linked about 10 times already on this email, so you should be able to find it.
Office Hours Live Feeds:
Now some of you may want to come to office hours and chat or maybe you just have questions in general about life or maybe you just want to have a memory of what your favorite 8am marketing professor looks like. In order to give you all a chance to talk to me, and I will answer your questions anonymously if you send them to me via email or social media in the live feeds (as well via email directly or social media however you contact me), I will have three live feeds each week through the rest of the semester. The Professor Wolters live feeds will be a minimum of 30 minutes, and if there are more questions or people talking we will go up to an hour. Hope to see some of you there online.
Tuesdays: 8am & 2pm live feeds at http://www.youtube.com/professorwolters
Thursdays: 4pm live feeds at http://www.youtube.com/professorwolters
I am also having open live feeds for anyone to take part in on my Wolters World channel http://www.youtube.com/woltersworld every Saturday Morning at 9am CST and Wednesday evenings at 8pm CST. These are open to anyone that wants to chat and have a bit of socialization, so if you have class questions they may get drowned out, so best to send your class questions or have your class live feed questions on the Tuesday and Thursday office hours live feeds on Professor Wolters.
I know this is not the best way to finish off our semester, but I just want you all to know that I am here for you if you need anything or you just want someone to talk to. These are tough times, but we will get through it. Be prudent, don’t panic, and know there is a husky bald-ish professor who is thinking about you all and worrying about you all.
Mark Wolters